Sunday, May 30, 2010

If I Had A Super Power

I would definitely want the ability to become invisible whenever I wanted. If I were able to visually dissappear I would become a super hero, knighted by Flava Flav, and known as Invisaboyeeeee!!!
If I could turn invisable I know exactly where I would get my powers from. The Invisaliens of Planet Invisalon. They would give me the ability to turn invisible just like them for being their amazing tour guide of the planet Earth and introducing them to the two greatest things on the planet. Pizza and Latinas.
They would probably give me the powers when the tour of Earth was over. I know they would be hesitant at first. After all, with great power comes great chicks. But after I took them to Rio de Janeiro for Brazil's Carnival they would ultimately give in to sharing their talent.
The Invisaliens have special mind powers that allow them to turn invisable, travel at light speed and move things with their mind. They can use their telekenetic powers to change the order of neucleotides in my DNA. Their enormous mental capacities would allow them to break down my genome and figure out how to change the pigments in my body. After they do the genetic mutation they would have to give me a pill with a highly radioactive element they call Invisaline (it would be 117, on the periodic table if it went that high)
After high school when I suddenly became very aware of the insignificance of each individual on Earth I would decide I didn't want to be one of the insignificant others that fade away into the past without making a mark on mankind. So I would set out to communicate with the heavens only to be answered by life forms from another Galaxy. They would tell me they were doing an assesment of the different planets with intelligent life and they wanted me to give them a tour of our planet to evaluate the value of our species. Little did I know, they would give me the power to turn myself invisible and I would use those powers to help people all around the world. Thus, creating a world-renowned reputation as INVISABOYEEEEE!!!

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