Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Guess what!? My class got a new Typography professor today! Yaaay!

Shucks, I went to class 5 minutes late because I stayed back in Sound class to ask my teacher a question. When I got to Typography class I opened the door and my new teacher (who looks like a domesticated Tommy Chong overdosing on Vidal Sassoon) pointed at the door and said to me 'Come back in an hour!' to which I smirked and replied, 'Sorry I'm late, it's because I was talking to my last professor!' and he quickly responded with a good old, 'I don't care! Out!' so I just stared blankly as my asshole-ometer started to spark and smoke from overload and I walked out. I was a bit frustrated and I was tempted to just sit down anyways but I took it for what it was and I left.

An hour passed. When I came back to class I was joined by the other people who were denied their fundamental right to typography education (yeah, right!)

First, he had a drawing of a couple cowboy hats on the board as a diagram to illustrate how he is 'always right'.

Second, he spelt scissors on the board with no 'c' and handed out a sheet with words we couldn't spell wrong on our assignments unless we wanted a 'zero'.

Third, he explicitly urged us to lie to our classmates to disadvantage them at our 'own benefit'.

He sounds funny, I know, but the sickening thing is; the guy was dead serious. He encouraged us to lie to our classmates, to turn our backs to them in need and kick them when they were down at any chance we got since we would all potentially be in competition with each other in our field of work.

Now I don't know who took a shit in his fruitloops but this guy was a bit grumpy, if not totally anal to the point where he actually became an anus.

Anyways, as he started the lecture I payed attention and I participated fully. (I had to regain points, he does grade my work!) So I participated to the point where he suggested other people give input. But while taking notes I got preoccupied and to destress from his idiocy, I 'woosah-ed' my mind with this 'typography masterpiece'.

I present the new 2010 Lucida Console-Coupe

I'm done my rant. Enjoy. And remember everyone... it's SanS Serif! Dont fail because you didn't put an S on a word!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Bejebus, That sounds like one hell of a guy... Kinda glad I didn't go that day.
